Thursday, December 24, 2009

‘Collage of a daughter’


She was the foreteller’s daughter.

She wrote and read

her autobiography

when she was young,

and adhered to it

until she was older.

First snapshot.


But, the foreteller decided

her fate.

He forebode and envisaged

a calamity

at the absence

of a nuptial lock.


She was the daughter

of avid principles

and personal ethics,

worldly ethics, and

ethics she had built

for a posterity

to survive.


She was the daughter

of a government.

But, the foreteller

made a subversive attack,

it was destroyed.

She tried, but could

not make a political act.


She dreams now of cobwebs,

jungles of Africa,

wild beasts and

perilous flowers.

She remains at trance,

never sleeps, and

dreams of the

kneaded dough.


She made her own snapshots,

cried like the insane,

blamed and attacked others,

rolled herself

like the baton.

She still rolls…

no one knows.


Twenties and thirties

went off rolling.

At forties, she hears

angels chiding at her.

They call her and say-

Save yourself, my child.

They say that her garden

is full of weeds.

She is dreaded, and

a bleak snapshot is taken.


She sits alone now

at the focus

of her garden.

She guards her flowers

and dreams of Keller.

She forbids

her altruistic behavior

for any creature.


She kills time

maneuvering adroit silence

around her,

and when a person visits,

she laughs, saying-

“You win bread…

you win butter.”


She likes to eat

bitter vegetables

and never tastes sweet.

She says, “Bitter

is sweet, sweet

can not be bitter.

Sweet is sweet.”

A snapshot taken

as she cuts off her hair

and bangs her coffee cup

over the table,

abuses her husband,

and children.


She stays at the attic,

never comes down,

reads Rich and Beauvoir,

Woolf and Austen,

Eliot and Sand.

She yells out at intervals,

laughs and says alone-

“You want something, want,

come, take, take it.”


Now, she strips herself,

sits naked at the table

and scribbles something

down at her notebook.

She poses in front of

an imaginary camera

and smiles, then laughs aloud

clapping her hands.


Final snapshot:

She lies with her nudity

with no breathe,

in the attic

embracing Beauvoir.

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