Thursday, December 24, 2009


It is a matter of love and hatred;

of tossing the coin,

and looking at a different fate.

Uma caressed her flying, soft hair

Unto my nose, my lips and then-

she is mad.

Tousles my face and my hair.

Her hair flew untrammeled.

She is a beauty among the Pekinese tribe.

She is fashionable, adorable and uncanny.

Out of love, I called her, La enamora.

Uma never obeyed me;

I obeyed.

People worship beauty.

I could allow her everything.

She pisses on my bed, shits, ah!

Throws off my shining utensils,

Gets over the table and-

My clothesline…

A character that hankers after

Something for her own palate always,

I cannot work otherwise.

As a large ship disembarked at my shipyard.

Uma is the policy-maker;

I execute her policies.

When music is played, Uma dances.

So I do.

Uma is never liable to me.

She chases man and other dogs.

I should let her calm on herself,

Could never drag her.

When I am worried

As she returns home late sometimes,

I have o love Uma.

Else, a jackal howls.

There are times-

I feel like the Pekinese

and, Uma the man.

This grew a hassled task.

As Uma is always the hauteur,

the braggart Pekinese ever born on earth.

I thought of the

chocolate Labrador and the striped German shepherd

I see in the city,

when Uma goes for a walk with me.

They are regal and loyal,

concentrates on their own master.

I decided to try one.

One night, I bashed Uma hard,

hard on her tender surface.

I didn’t know she’ll grow mawkish.

She howled at me,

and took my flesh away.

I am medicated.

I cry and pray

never to see the mardini-incarnation


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