‘The First Woman, The Lost
Of woman first born
as Eve, she was hallowed
for her invention
of speech from the serpent
which allowed human speech.
The lore was true,
as women proved
the mettle of transcendence;
the fact of persevering her alone,
bereft of her beloved.
Adam was forced
to stay alone for duties
on Eve’s say, and
the duty and place were classified by Eve.
The eager she flaunted
on caressing her tresses-
Adam couldn’t stand-
aroused the first anxiety in man
to be not alone, away from
the woman.
On asking about the sandal scented breasts
ornated with necklaces, she said
it was her womanhood-the first woman
to be praised and it went on-goes on-
but, man was always in delusion
of his love and loved.
Adam waited for Eve-
at the advent of summer-
at the riverside, watching
the flux of river current,
he was in thoughts, deep thoughts
of the current running deep inside the river,
where things flow with it, without
their knowledge; an unconscious
flow of water. He awaited Eve.
Eve sounded apart, no thoughts
as such. They have learnt speech
and she used it without such thoughts.
Adam’s notion on Eve-
I was traveling through unknown alleys,
which you have already decided.
Adam couldn’t feel Eve, apart from
the urge, his and hers.
He could learn about the depth
Of the river current, but
Could never know the depth
of Eve-if there was, is-
He was later at the receiving end
Of her criticism, her flaws,
encircling him alone in a solitary earth-
a slave praying to return back
to the paradise, the lost paradise,
he tried to build upon the earth.
The Earth cannot be a paradise,
as Eve cannot be a Beatrix,
recounting at death, but
successors suffered.
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